A futuristic tale of an authoritarian society, and some very peculiar occurrences.
An entity must return to Earth, and to the strange and confining state of living in a human body.
With one foot in the everyday world, and one foot in the paranormal, Lila struggles to separate reality and imagination. Do the strange events she's experiencing reveal a fragmented mind, or an alternate universe?
An exotic re-imagining of one of the Bible’s most famous tales—the story of Abraham and Sarah—which asks this question: What if it were Abraham, not Sarah, who was infertile?
Anyone who is intrigued by mystical experiences will find this a fascinating and exciting journey—especially those who don’t know what to make of their own mystical experiences!
172 pages, published by Soulful Press, NY, copyright 2013
Nine contemporary healers discuss their practices and belief systems. Techniques include acupuncture, Reiki, Rolfing, neurofeedback, sound therapy, herbalogy, astrology, and shamanic journeying, essential oils.
Emerging themes in their philosophies include: the importance of personal intention for healing, the mind/body connection, an expanded notion of reality which views man as an energy system, and a broad and inclusive spiritual belief system.