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Paranormal Blog

August 2015

VISIONS ... that Masquerade as DREAMS

It’s a girl. I’m only 2 months pregnant, but she came to me in a dream. She was about 6 years old, and she said everything would be fine. She has dark brown hair like mine and seems to have an even temper like my boyfriend. She has a beautiful smile. She said that she got to pick us for parents.
I told my boyfriend, but he thinks a dream doesn’t count. And he doesn’t want to know the sex until she’s born. He says, “What you dreamed was just in your mind.” But it wasn’t just a dream.

The speaker was a small excited young woman from one of my dream interpretation classes. She sat back in her chair almost daring members of the group to challenge her. That didn’t happen. Several members nodded. One started to speak: “Let me tell you what my son said when he came to me before his birth. . .”
Dream interpretation is fascinating and valuable whether done in psychotherapy or simply for group members learning the process of interpreting their own dreams....

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August 2015

Short Story


         My oldest acquaintance— I guess you could call her a buddy—is not your usual old lady.  My mother used to say lots of kids have imaginary friends, but Rita is so substantial I was amazed that Mom couldn't see her.  Even then Rita weighed close to two hundred pounds and sang with a voice so loud it made the chandelier ring.  Mom heard the chandelier—blamed it on the el train six blocks away.  Some of Rita's songs were pretty bawdy, so maybe it's just as well Mom didn't hear them.

          My present wife, Adrienne, thinks Rita's my guardian angel.  Frankly I don't recall Rita ever bailing me out of trouble, and I have to admit Adrienne's believing in angels is a little off the wall, but then I didn't marry her for her cognitive processes.  Not seeing Rita doesn't stop Adrienne from carrying on long conversations with her.

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NEW Paranormal novels by Barbara Barnum.

Body Transference

A futuristic tale of an authoritarian society, and some very strange occurrences.


There's a theory in quantum mechanics that the universe, all of existence, is primarily idea; that, like the atom, being is more motion than substance.  This theory proposes that the stuff of our four-dimensional existence (time and space) is a thought in the mind of God, that all is a thought in the mind of God.
One formulation of the theory holds that existence spawns multiple realities, that it tries on all the possibilities.  The theory is commonly called the many-worlds interpretation.  In this theory the diverse realities are separated from each other only by their degrees of resonance, by the frequencies at which their ideas vibrate. 
Read the first 2 chapters


A being returns to earth, and to the long-forgotten feeling of living in a physical body.


God, the body felt terrible.  She’d forgotten the heaviness, the pressure, the way it felt like a thousand creatures were on your back, weighing you down, trying to push you into the earth.  How could she have failed to remember?  And how could she have volunteered for this thankless task?  For a moment, her resolve wavered, but only for a moment.
She focused on the body’s mentation.  Good, the memories were intact.  She ran a quick flashback through the life, picking up the highlights, sailing over details.  Why on earth had Amanda Starkk wanted out?  The last occupant had everything to live for: good looks, superior intellect, the finest education, professional recognition, all that most people ask of life on this particular planet.  There was no accounting for how people felt here in the Garden.”

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Previously published fiction by Barbara Barnum.

Multiple Universes


With one foot in the everyday world, and one foot in the paranormal, Lila struggles to separate reality and imagination. Do the strange events she's experiencing reveal a fragmented mind, or an alternate universe?

“Suddenly the wind picked up and started throwing street littler around. Lila closed her eyes in self-protection. The motion intensified, growing frenzied; she opened her eyes and squinted. The debris seemed to be settling, she could keep her eyes open now.... For a moment she was confused. She knew she was walking on the street, yet at the same time she was walking underground, beside a filthy tunnel, litter strewn evrywhere. The two places were superimposed on each other; the street and the tunnel were equally real. Then the tunnel took over ...”

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I, Sarah


An exotic re-imagining of one of the Bible’s most famous tales—the story of Abraham and Sarah—which asks this question: What if it were Abraham, not Sarah, who was infertile?

View Sarah’s challenges through her eyes, in her times. What are the pressures and pains in Biblical times, when society simply perceives infertility to be the woman’s fault? What if that woman were a strong and capable leader in her own right? How might such a woman function in a male-dominated society? Sarah’s perspective is seen through a diary found long after her death by her daughter-in-law, Rebekah. This novel stays as faithful to Biblical accounts as possible, while casting an eye on the role and status of women in this ancient era of worshiping one god, not many.

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